
Showing posts from October, 2019

Ever Since I discovered Pulled Muscles and Muscle Spasms, I’ve Tried to Make one of These from A Straight Heating Pad

Now I don’t have to! This is the best idea for me as my stress and tension have always gathered in my neck and shoulders. Not that I am older and spend most of my time in front of the computer, this has become a necessity I didn’t even know was available. When I saw it totally by accident, I realized there’s one more item I could’ve made and perhaps patented and held the original design on as this is something I’ve used one or more straight rectangular heating pads to create to hold on my neck and shoulders when sitting upright with use of Ace bandages and more contraptions. I never actually sewed them to make one as I knew I needed the straights pads as well but this is such a terrific idea. I can think of at least a dozen people off the top of my head, not including my own children, who would benefit from this heat therapy. It is well made though my only concern is the use  of the snap at the neck. I would have liked to see a sturdier snap there but I do think as long as most heating